** Be sure to check the product page to get a better estimate of when your order will arrive. To help you plan ahead and know when to expect your order, we provide an estimated delivery window within the product listing. We understand how important it is to receive your package on time, and we're committed to providing accurate and reliable information every step of the way. If no delivery estimate was provided then, the above days apply. Business days are calculated from the day the order ships and does not include weekends/holidays and standard processing time of 1-5 business days. Delivery can take longer if there were any issues in transit such as invalid/incorrect address, customs clearance and/or other causes beyond our control. Once your order ships, we will send you a confirmation email with tracking so you may track your order along the way.
**** Express shipping may not be available in your area. You will see all available shipping methods available to you at checkout.
Additional Information: Please note that some countries may impose duties. The shipping carrier may collect duties and taxes at the time of delivery if imposed by the recipient's country.